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First Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars (2015) 


PROCESSES. S. E. Ackiss 1 , J. J. Wray 2 , K. D. Seelos 3 , and P. B. Niles 4 , ! Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Plane- 
tary Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (, 2 School of Earth & Atmospheric Sci- 
ences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 3 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, 
MD, 4 NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX. 

Rationale: Huygens crater (Figure 1) is a well pre- 
served peak ring structure on Mars centered at 13.5°S, 
55.5°E in the Noachian highlands between Terras Tyr- 
rhena and Sabaea near the NW rim of Hellas basin. 
With a diameter of -470 km, it uplifted and exhumed 
pre-Noachian crustal materials from depths greater 
than 25 km, penetrating below the thick, ubiquitous 
layer of Hellas ejecta. In addition, Huygens served as a 
basin for subsequent aqueous activity, including ero- 
sion/deposition by fluvial valley networks and subsur- 
face alteration that is now exposed by smaller impacts. 
Younger mafic-bearing plains that partially cover the 
basin floor and surrounding intercrater areas were like- 
ly emplaced by later volcanism. 

Regional Geology: Noachian Crustal Units: Huy- 
gens and the surrounding region has been mapped as 
early to late Noachian in age with one outcrop of mid- 
dle Noachian aged material partially covering the 
crater floor from the western wall eastward to the peak 
ring [1]. Mineralogy of Huygens has been examined in 
detail as well [2]. Two types of plains delineated with- 
in Huygens consist of olivine-rich and high-calcium 
pyroxene (HCP)-rich units, both of which exhibit rela- 
tively high thermal inertia and lack large amounts of 
eolian materials (e.g. dunes). As described in [3], the 
most probable origin of the mafic plains is effusive 
volcanism, where magma rose to the surface via a 
dense network of fractures created by the Hellas im- 
pact. Subsequent impacts also could have initiated 
magma formation and assent through decompression 
melting [4], as craters in the region are also commonly 
filled with mafic-rich, high thermal inertia material. 
Exposures of low calcium pyroxene (LCP) occur as 
well, usually in distinct massif-forming terrain that may 
be remnants of deep crustal material exhumed by the 
Hellas impact. LCP-bearing outrcrops are predomi- 
nantly located outside Huygens but a few occurrances 
have been identified on the floor. 

Aqueous Alteration: Aqueously altered materials 
are identified both inside (on the floor of) and outside 
Huygens and include Fe/Mg smectites, Al-bearing 
phyllosilicates, and Fe/Ca carbonates (see also [5]). 
These minerals are observed in crater rims/walls, cen- 
tral peaks, and ejecta of smaller subsequent impacts, 
and therefore inferred to have formed in the subsurface 
prior to the impacts, not via impact-driven, hydrother- 
mal alteration [6, 7]. Aqueous alteration could have 
coincided with formation of fluvial valley networks 

post-Huygens or may have been pre-exisiting (or both); 
no spatial relationship between alteration mineral out- 
crops and Huygens-related structures is evident. 

Biosignature and Habitability Preservation Poten- 
tial: The carbonates within the Huygens basin (exposed 
by the cratering process) are associated with phyllosili- 
cates and occupy layered rocks [5]. These materials 
record ancient neutral-to-alkaline fluid chemistry of at 
least regional extent, and may be an important reservoir 
for paleo-atmospheric CO 2 . If formed via subaqueous 
sedimentation, their preservation potential is high, and 
in any case their isotope systematics will be valuable 
tracers of magmatic, atmospheric, and biochemical 

Stratigraphic Context and Cross Cutting Relation- 
ships: While the Huygens impact itself and all mapped 
surface units date from early to late Naochian, a finer 
relative stratigraphy may be discerned using mineralog- 
ic information. If the LCP-bearing massifs do indeed 
represent excavated deep crust from the Hellas impact, 
this is the oldest exposed material in the region. The 
Huygens impact panetrated through the Hellas ejecta 
blanket, potentially sampling pre-Hellas crust and up- 
lifting/redistributing any pre-exisiting alteration miner- 
als. Post-Huygens the surface was modified by fluvial 
activity, with associated ground water potentially lead- 
ing to the formation of subsurface alteration minerals. 
The mafic plains units are the youngest materials, and 
embay the fluvially dissected terrain. By sampling 
these types of materials and depositional environments, 
a mission to Huygens would arguably be exploring the 
most geologically active time period in martian history. 

Acknowledgements: K. S. thanks NASA Mars Da- 
ta Analysis Program (grant number NNX10AO25G). 
S. A. thanks an appointment at the JHU Applied Phys- 
ics Lab (APL) administered by the Oak Ridge Institute 
for Science and Education through an agreement be- 
tween the U.S. DOE and APL; J. W. thanks the 
MRO/CRISM and MRO/HiRISE teams for support. 

References: [1] Tanaka et al. (2014), Geologic 
map of Mars: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Inves- 
tigations Map 3292, [2] Ackiss et al. (2014), Eighth 
Mars Conference, Abstract #: 1038, [3] Rogers and 
Nazarian (2013), JGR: Planets, 118(5), 1094-1113 [4] 
Edwards et al. (2014), Icarus , 228, 149-166, [5] Wray 
et al. (201 1), LPSC 42, Abstract #: 2635. [6] Ehlmann 
et al. (201 1), Nature , 479(7371), 53-60, [7] Loizeau et 
al. (2012), Icarus , 219, 476-497 . 

First Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars (2015) 


Figure 1 . Huygens crater exploration zone over MOL A topography with 2km elevation denoted. Inset shows loca- 

tion on the globe. Black circles indicate resource regions of interest and white cirlces indicate regions covered with 

expanisve mafic material. Landing site 1 has a larger phyllosilicate/carbonate deposit and mafic plains that can be 

age dated while Landing site 2 gives access to the crater wall and valley networks that flow into the crater.